Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Star-like Object Moving Erratically in the Night Sky

Tonight, a few minutes ago, I saw a bright star-like object fidgeting around in the night sky. It was jerking around erratically, going first toward the right, then up, then to the left, then diagonally, then down. It moved quickly, sporadically, uncertainly.

The photo accompanying this post is the best I could do with my Canon 10X optical zoom digital camera. I enlarged it substantially in my graphic utility program to show it closer up. Notice the pink color.

I saw this phenomenon only once before in my life. It was around 1998. The exact same thing, a jerky movement of a star-like object. It could not have been a star, or meteor, or airplane. Someone suggested it was a communications satellite that was being adjusted. That's the best tentative explanation I've yet to hear. 

BELOW: An enlarged view of the first photo.  

ABOVE: A second photo of the oddly fidgeting object.

BELOW: An enlarged view of the second photo.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Local Author Fair 2012 at Peoria Public Library

Steven Streight and Bicycle Fever book.

Sylvia Shults

Janice Frazier

Bob Sulaski

Maggie Nelson

Caryl Schlicher

Tom Laird

Edith Barnard

Matt Jones

Adam Danner

Kathy Darding

Arnitria Shaw

Lance Zedric

Doug Leunig

Carol Fisher Saller

Scott Gamboe

Prabhakar (PK) Bhosale (author, The Bitter Nuts) and Doug Leunig (with copy of Bicycle Fever book by Steven Streight).

Marjorie Schwebel

Stacy Peterson

Carol Fisher Saller